The Knollwood Association board members are a collection of residents invested in promoting our neighborhood.
Board Representatives
The KA Board of Directors is usually made up of twenty-one residents. Sixteen of the members represent an area within our community. You can find out your area by looking at our neighborhood area map. You can contact your area representative by referring to your neighborhood directory. The Board meets at 7:00 pm on the fourth Thursday of the month via Zoom (link sent via email). Our residents are encouraged to bring ideas or concerns to the monthly meetings, or by contacting their area representative. You can contact the Board at kdia@knollwooddonnybrook.org
Meeting Notes
The meeting notes are posted each month. If you are a Knollwood resident, you can access the meeting notes by emailing the Board.
You can access our Association bylaws here and read how Knollwood operates.
Knollwood Map
View a map of the Knollwood community located in the heart of Towson.